Friday, 25 May 2012


1.       In what way does your media product use, develop or challenges forms and conventions of real media products?

The title of my film is called ‘DIFFERENCES’. I chose this title because it is inspired from my everyday life, my film falls under the genre of teenage romance/drama.

The under laying theme is acceptance, people should accept others for who they are, and put behind their differences without allowing it to stop them from socializing with others. The main prop in my opening sequence is the basketball, because it reflects on my male characters lifestyle and their interest in sports.

I decided that my female character should have a bit of Rihanna style as a result of Rihanna has becoming  the new fashion icon, young adults/ teenagers tend to follow her fashion, so linking to my target audience it could help me gain more audience than expected. As for my male character I decided that he should be top less with black trousers and his boxers in display, because it reflects on his character role which is a young adult from a poor city, as I would like to call it from the ‘ghetto’. As we see in Ghetto basketball films, most players tend to play top less with their trousers below their knee displaying their boxers. The music I chose to use for my background emphases on my theme perfectly, it narrates my opening sequence by emphasising on the fact that people should be accepted know matter where they re from or know matter the status they may find themselves in.

               Camera shots used:

·         Close up shot : male character bouncing the basketball, which gives the audience an idea of the interest he is in

·         Medium shot : male character playing a one on one game with his friend, this shot help the audience notice the passion the two characters have for basketball

·         Long shot : sowing the female character having a conversation with her  friend whiles the male character walks up to her, this shot kind of gets the audience into having questions at the back of their minds as to who the girl may be to the male character

·         Mid shot/Over the shoulder shot:  male tries to indulge himself in a conversation with the female character but she ends up walking of every time he calls her, this shot clearly shows the audience that the female character is not interested in him due to the attitude shown by her, it also gives the audience an idea of how their attitude will be like in the film.

I hope that people will watch my short film and start accepting people that are lower/higher status than them, just like the way the film ‘FREESTYLE’ was able to give hope on young adults that thought that they didn’t have a chance to go back to college.
2.  How does your media product represent particular social groups?
These days’ teenagers/ young adults tend to follow everything they see on TV, therefore I decided to link my media product with what I see on TV, the way my characters are costumed are exactly the same way most of my target audience probably dress. Also you may find boys trying to indulge themselves in a conversation with a girl by approaching her in an aggressive manner just like the way my male character approached my female character in my opening sequence, we also have people not socializing with others due to their different backgrounds or status, just like the way my female character rejected my male character due to their different statuses. I basically linked my film with the everyday life situations we go through as young adults/ teenagers, comparing to the movie ‘ FREESTYLE’ which was also targeted at young adults, and confront the same stereotypes as mine, so this helps us understand that most teenagers/ young adults seems to go through the same problems.

3. What kind of media, institution might distribute your media product? why would you choose this type of distribution?
·         My target audience will definitely feel connected were ever my film may be displayed, it being YouTube, tv,cinema or social networks, by reason of my film being based on the life situations they go through as young adults and teenagers. Also I believe that my film was supposed to be distributed on social networks or displayed on YouTube it would be more successful , from looking on how technology has been able to make stuff easier  for us, which gives us the opportunity to spend half of our time to navigate on the various social networking sites such as ( Facebook,Bebo,Myspace,Hi 5, Netlog etc.), people also tend to spend most of their time navigating on YouTube and other movie sites which permits them to get hands on the movie easily without them having to wait for it to be displayed in cinemas/TV. Just like the media product we studied in class ‘THE INBETWEENERS’ movie was able to successfully distribute on similar media institutions.
4. Who would be the audience for your media product? Give a profile of a target audience individual ( think of one of your friends when writing this and include a picture).
·         I have personally rated my film as a 15 because my target focus is on teenagers/young adults and also it is easier to get their attention than getting the attention of the older age group.

This is my friend Nifemi he is 16 years old and he is intimidated by girls he claims to be of a higher class than him, as he would address them ‘STCUCK UP’ girls, meaning girls that are too proud of themselves, caused by a problem he went across with few of them, he lost hope in ever being able to approach them. I am pretty sure that when he watches this film, he will be able to get a  clear idea on how to deal with his situation, and also he will feel much connected to my film not only  because it has to do with his situation but because it is targeted to people of his age group.


5. How did you attract/ address your audience?

I was able to get reach out to my audience by doing couple of researches such as:
·         Survey Monkeys
·         Asking people couple of questions
·         Watching various movies
·         Creating a story board
Few months ago I created a survey monkey to find out the kind of films people like to watch, and I was able to find out that half of the people that filled out my survey questions liked to watch comedy/drama/romance films.  I also decided to ask around to find out which movie is the most talked about of the year and I had most people mentioning Twilight which is predominantly targeted at young adults, I also found did a test on myself to see the kind of films I like to watch and my results was comedy/romance films. I went on to create a storyboard and posted it on my facebook and other social networking sites to the total views I will be able to achieve, over night I was able to attain 632 views and it was mostly views by teenagers. This helped me to get a mind set on the target audience I want to focus for my film, and I ended up rating my film as a 15, targeted at both age groups young adults/ teenagers. After the research I did on the media product that we studied in class ‘ THE INBETWEENERS’ movie and finding out the #y were able to successfully promote the movie on social networks and other media institutions, I am also looking forward to promote my film in the various media institutions, in  particular social networks.

6.  Looking back at your preliminary task,what have you learnt in the progression from it to full product.

Looking back at my preliminary task, I have come to a conclusion that I have made big progress in developing skills in camera work, I remember I didn’t know how tow or or hold a camera but by reason of my media teacher helping in progressing in every work I do, I have been able to learn how to structure my essays and build my essay up from point to point, in additional to my learning I have progressed in sequencing and the making of films. I must say that I am really proud of myself and hope to achieve the grade I have aimed for.


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